Shelley Niro

Shelley Niro
Born 1954
Niagara Falls, New York
Nationality Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation
Field Performance, installation
Training MFA University of Western Ontario, BFA Ontario College of Art

Shelley Niro (born 1954) is a Mohawk filmmaker and visual artist from New York and Ontario.[1]



Shelley Niro was born in Niagara Falls, New York in 1954 and grew up on the Six Nations Reserve, near Brantford, Ontario, Canada. She is a member of the Turtle Clan. Niro graduated from the Ontario College of Art with a bachelor of fine arts degree in sculpture and painting. She earned her masters of fine arts degree from the University of Western Ontario.[1]


Niro explored the oral history of the Iroquois people in general and the diaspora of Mohawk people in particular.[2] She is known for her photography,[3] which often combines portraits of contemporary Native women with traditional Mohawk imagery. She uses herself, friends, and family members as models. Her 1992 photographic series, This Land Is Mime Land and 500 Year Itch employ humorous pop culture references, such as Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe.[4]

Film and video

Niro's first film was It Starts With a Whisper, which she co-directed with Anna Gronau in 1992. Other films include:

Awards and recognition

The National Museum of American History named Niro a fellow in 1997. The film Honey Moccasin won Best Experimental Work at the Dreamspeakers Festival in Edmonton, Alberta and Best Feature, Best Actress, Best Actor and Best Director at the Red Earth Festival in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.[2] Her movie, The Shirt was part of the Venice Biennale.[3]


Niro lives with her husband in Brantford, Ontario.[3]


  1. ^ a b c "Native Networks: Shelley Niro." Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian. (retrieved 2 Dec 2010)
  2. ^ a b c "Shelley Niro." Women Make Movies. (retrieved 2 Dec 2010)
  3. ^ a b c d e Colón, Maria. "From Brantford, Ontario with Love." Native American Indigenous Cinema and Arts. Spring 2008 (retrieved 2 Dec 2010)
  4. ^ Ryan 78-9
  5. ^ Kissed by Lightning, review by An Onkwehonwe in Kanata"
  6. ^ Showing at the National Museum of the American Indian, Native Networks


External links